Papers provided on this webpage are copyrighted and may be downloaded and used only for purposes of private study, scholarship, or research.

Łowicki, P., & Barker, S. B. (2024). If not belief in God, then what? Identifying factors that contribute to well-being among Polish nonbelievers. Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 00846724241279441.

Leniarska, M., Zeigler-Hill, V., Turek, A., & Zajenkowski, M. (2024). Can narcissists be thankful? Narcissistic personality traits and aspects of gratitude. Personality and Individual Differences229, 112749.

Zajenkowski, M., Gorgol, J., & Jankowski, K. S. (2024). Chronotype predicts university students’ expected and actual grades above conscientiousness and intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences228, 112733.

Tokarz, J., & Łowicki, P. (2024). Religiosity, desired emotions, and well-being–a comparative study of Roman Catholics and Pentecostal Christians in Poland. Mental Health, Religion & Culture27(1), 101-119.

Górniak, J., Zajenkowski, M., Szymaniak, K., & Jonason, P. K. (2024). Kindness or Intelligence? Angry Men are Perceived as Less Intelligent by Their Female Romantic Partners. Evolutionary Psychology22(3), 14747049241275706.

Rogoza, R., Zajenkowski, M., Di Sarno, M., Flakus, M., Baran, L., Di Pierro, R., Krammer, G., Jauk, E. & Fatfouta, R. (2024). I feel smart today! A daily diary study on narcissism and self-assessed intelligence. European Journal of Personality38(4), 677-691.

Jankowski, K. S., Zajenkowski, M., & Górniak, J. (2024). Chronotype in relation to free and total testosterone in men. Chronobiology International, 1-5.

Zajenkowski, M., & Gignac, G. E. (2024). Ego vs. reality: Narcissism and the discrepancy between academic expectations and achievement. Learning and Individual Differences112, 102466.

Leniarska, M., Zajenkowski, M., Zeigler-Hill, V., Górniak, J., & Turek, A. (2024). You better not tell me I’m not intelligent! Grandiose narcissism and reaction to negative intelligence feedback. Personality and Individual Differences221, 112548.

Rogoza, R., Krammer, G., Jauk, E., Flakus, M., Baran, L., Di Sarno, M., Di Pierro, R., Zajenkowski, M., Dufner, M., & Fatfouta, R. (2024). The peaks and valleys of narcissism: The factor structure of narcissistic states and their relations to trait measures. Psychological Assessment36(2), 147.

Szczepańska, D., Marchlewska, M., Rogoza, R., Podsiadłowski, W., Molenda, Z., Maciantowicz, O., Rogoza, M., Klusek, D. (2024). The joke is on us? National narcissism and dispositions towards laughter. Personality and Individual Differences221, 112543.

Rogoza, R., Zajenkowski, M., Di Sarno, M., Flakus, M., Baran, L., Di Pierro, R., Krammer, G., Jauk, E., Fatfouta, R. (2023). I feel smart today! A daily diary study on narcissism and self-assessed intelligence. European Journal of Personality. PDF

Gignac, G. E., Jones, C., Mason, N., Yuen, I., & Zajenkowski, M. (2023). Predicting attitudes toward cryptocurrencies and stocks: The divergent roles of narcissism, intelligence and financial literacy. Personality and Individual Differences215, 112382. PDF

Zajenkowski, M., Gignac, G. E., Rogoza, R., Górniak, J., Maciantowicz, O., Leniarska, M., Jonason, P.K., & Jankowski, K. S. (2023). Ego-Boosting Hormone: Self-Reported and Blood-Based Testosterone Are Associated With Higher Narcissism. Psychological Science34(9), 1024-1032. PDF

Zajenkowski, M., Gignac, G. E., Leniarska, M., Turek, A., & Czepiel, Z. (2023). I’m smart, you’re dumb! Narcissistic admiration and rivalry correlate with self-and other-assessed intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences211, 112248. PDF

Styła, R., & Zajenkowski, M. (2023). Time perspective and working memory impairments among persons diagnosed with schizophrenia. Personality and Individual Differences210, 112215. Journal page

Buczyński, M., Chlebus, M., Kopczewska, K., & Zajenkowski, M. (2023). Financial Time Series Models – Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning Approaches and Practical Recommendations. Engineering Proceedings39(1), 79. PDF

Maciantowicz, O., Marchlewska, M., Rogoza, M., Molenda, Z., Rogoza, R., & Witke, D. (2023). More identified so less envious? On the links between different types of national identity and in-group envy. The Journal of Social Psychology, 1-7. PDF

Gignac, G. E., & Zajenkowski, M. (2023). Intelligent grandiose narcissists are less likely to exhibit narcissistic rivalry. Personality and Individual Differences209, 112212. PDF

Gorgol, J., Łowicki, P., & Stolarski, M. (2023). Godless owls, devout larks: Religiosity and conscientiousness are associated with morning preference and (partly) explain its effects on life satisfaction. Plos one18(5), e0284787. PDF

Szymaniak, K., Zajenkowski, M., Fronczyk, K., Leung, S., & Harmon-Jones, E. (2023). Trait anger and approach motivation are related to higher endorsement of specific and generic conspiracy beliefs. Journal of Research in Personality104, 104374. PDF

Leniarska, M., Zajenkowski, M., Rogoza, R., & Fatfouta, R. (2023). Do communal narcissists care about intelligence? Associations with high self-assessed and low objective intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences207, 112153. Journal page

Balcerowska, J. M., Sawicki, A., Brailovskaia, J., & Zajenkowski, M. (2023). Different aspects of narcissism and Social Networking Sites addiction in Poland and Germany: The mediating role of positive and negative reinforcement expectancies. Personality and Individual Differences207, 112172. PDF

Zajenkowska, A., Wiśniewska, D., Leniarska, M., Jasielska, D., Bodecka, M., Zajenkowski, M., Kaźmierczak, I., Klimiuk, J., Niemczyk, L., Pinkham, A. E. (2023). Predictors of depressive symptoms among hospitalized COVID-19 patients with respiratory problems. Psychology, Health & Medicine28(5), 1288-1297. Journal page

Gignac, G. E., & Zajenkowski, M. (2023). Still no Dunning-Kruger effect: A reply to Hiller. Intelligence97, 101733. Journal page